LetYourVoiceBeHeard.net Action Alert Weekly Update
February 17 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Every Monday at Noon at 12 PM
Let Your Voice Be Heard!! In a split second you can be a vital part of the government process without leaving your home, office, car, treadmill, bathtub, can be done from anywhere in just the palm of your hand!!! Each week by noon on Mondays, LetYourVoiceBeHeard.net will update you on action alerts that let your elected official, corporate boards, etc. know what you think about timely issues of concern.
How it works:
1. From the LetYourVoiceBeHeard.net homepage click on the action item button. If more than one action item is listed, you must complete one action item then return to the home page to complete the next action. Even doing several action alerts will take less than a minute.
2. Once you have clicked on the alert button you must fill out your name which will only be used to sign the email. All other information requested is optional AND NO PERSONAL DATA IS EVER COLLECTED.
3. Click create email and YOUR OWN PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNT will open with a pre populated email complete with addressees, subject line and the message.
4. YOU ARE NOW IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT – this is your email account after all. You can just hit your send button and you are done with that alert . You are also welcome to personalize or edit the message any way you like. You can also take a break to finish washing behind your ears, towel off from the treadmill or hunt for the remote control that always gets lost in the covers. The email will be in your account until you either send it (best option ) or delete it 😩. Note that there are a couple of email platforms that will not work with this system so you will need to use the cut and paste method, method #2. Follow the instructions for option #2 if that does not work . Sorry about that, but you at least now have all the information you need at your fingertips and the cut and paste darn easy too.
5. If you have a timely constitutional, Conservative Republican platform issue with your school board, city council, Texas Legislature, US Congress, corner drugstore, that you want to draw attention to and help facilitate advocacy on behalf of, please fill out the contact information and we will get back to you asap. This is your platform!!!
6. Be a hero now that you know how easy and efficient this platform is and share it across the globe, let all your followers in on this fantastic tool designed just for you!
We will never ask for a donation. We want what money can’t buy as hard as those lobbyists try!!!
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa