Election Judges
Become A Dallas County Election Judge

The Dallas County Republican Party needs Election Judges for the 2024 election cycle, including Alternate Judges for the November general election in every voting center (460+) across Dallas County. We want to staff every Dallas County Voting Center with Republicans for all local elections, including our general election on November 7, which will require over 460+ Alternate Judges. Your service as an Election worker will help us achieve fair elections conducted in a bipartisan fashion according to the election code. We will see that you get training and support. WE are part of the solution!
Presiding Judges oversee all aspects of voting in one of the Dallas County Voting Centers. If Republicans fail to recruit and assign Presiding or Alternate Judges, Democrats are only too happy to fill our spots with one of their own.
Elections have consequences! Because of Democrat control in Dallas County, they are in control of our Elections Department and make up the vast majority of the election workers. For general elections, Presiding Election Judges (generally Democrats) are assisted by a Republican Alternate Judge. In some Voting Centers, the Presiding Judge will be a Republican and the Alternate Judge will be a Democrat. Working together, with full transparency, both Judges can ensure bipartisan elections. Which political party is the Presiding Judge is determined by which party gained the most votes in the most recent Gubernatorial Election for the precinct in which the Voting Center is located. The minority party serves as the Alternate Judge.
For Republican primary elections, both the Presiding Election Judge and the Alternate Judge will be from the Republican Party. In March, we held the first-ever JOINT Primary Election and each party staffed every voting center together and shared authority equally.
Presiding Judges and Alternate Judges are paid positions; Dallas County Elections Department will pay the stipulated fee for your service as well as a supplemental fee for your time in picking up or returning equipment as well as a payment for training.
The qualifications of a Dallas County Election Judge are::
- Be a registered voter in Dallas County;
- Not holding an elected office or a current candidate for elected office;
- Be able to work during voting hours 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on an election day including set-up and close-down of the Voting Center and delivery of the voting ballots to a regional center; and
- Be able to attend the appropriate up to 4-hour training session on election procedures and use of the equipment.
How To Be Appointed as an Election Judge
If you would like to serve as an Election Judge for the Dallas County Republican Party, please fill out and submit the secure online application at the button below.
The Dallas County Republican Party will review your application and contact you to conduct a short interview. If accepted, once your application is verified, the Dallas County Republican Party will submit your name for the position by presenting it to the Dallas County Elections Department Court for training. Training is held at the Dallas County Elections Department located at 1520 Round Table, Dallas, TX 75247. When you arrive for training, you will provide your Texas Driver License to confirm your identity. They will then provide your training on election procedures and the use of the election equipment. Please be advised that there will be additional training by the Dallas County Republican Party, but does not replace the requirement by the Dallas County Elections Department to attend their training.
In July of 2023, Presiding and Alternate Judges will be re-submitted to Dallas County Commissioners Court for a 2-year commitment. However, circumstances change, and if for some reason you are unable to fulfill a two-year appointment, please contact our DCRP office so that we have adequate advance notice to find a Republican replacement.
Election Judges must be registered voters in Dallas County but don’t have to be residents in the precinct of their Voting Center. Dallas County Commissioners Court now requires county-wide voting where any Dallas County voter can vote in any Dallas County Voting Center across the county.