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Photo of Chairman West with DCRP logo and the words "Chairman's Monday Message."

Task and Purpose

Greetings, everyone! It is an honor to be the Chairman of the Dallas County Republican Party. Dallas County is one of the largest — top 10 — metropolitan urban areas in the country. So many longtime Dallasites have come up to me to say they remember when Dallas County was Republican. There is this misconception that all is lost in Dallas County, and that Constitutional Conservatives cannot be successful here. I find that utterly appalling. Constitutional conservatism is classical liberalism, deeply rooted in individual liberty. Why should we abandon fundamental principles of faith, family, liberty, quality education, free market entrepreneurship, individual responsibility, and national security?

When doing the data research, as we have recently done, you see that Dallas County is D+18. This means that Democrats have an 18 percent advantage over Republicans, this is not insurmountable, certainly not “deep blue.” Sadly, the Republican Party has abdicated and surrendered the major urban population centers to the progressive socialist leftists, to the detriment of our nation. So many states that had been “red states” have been flipped because the strategic vision of the left is to focus on cities. Such began here in Dallas County circa 2006. We know the examples: California, Washington, Colorado . . . and now the left has set their sights on Texas. In Texas, the major population centers are in the hands of radical individuals, and we see the greatest indicators of their failed ideological agenda and policies.

The time has come to go on offense in Dallas County, where we had only one elected Republican in county-wide office. Just as the left embraces the philosophy of incrementalism, we must also. In the upcoming election cycle, we can seek to reduce the D+18 advantage down to D+12 or D+13. In the last presidential election cycle, Democrats outvoted Republicans in Dallas County by 291,076 votes. We must endeavor to chip away at that number.

George Soros has targeted three counties in Texas this 2024 election cycle: Cameron, Hidalgo, and Dallas. Four years ago, when I was the Republican Party of Texas Chairman, we handed the left a hard defeat in the Rio Grande Valley. We can do that here in Dallas County as well. That means — just as then — getting in front of constituencies here in Dallas County that we have previously not engaged. I hate the word “outreach,” as it is meaningless. We must go in and engage with all Dallas County citizens, voters, and constituencies.

Based upon principles, our message shall be one of advancing the individual and not collective subjugation. We will advocate for better economic opportunities and empowerment, not economic enslavement. We will stress the equality of opportunity, not this insidious idea of equity, which is equality of outcomes. We will champion individual constitutional rights, not politicized ideological rights. We will evidence that our ideals, principles, values, and policies make victors . . . not victims.

Practically, we must show the left’s failures in the areas of safety and security. The unwillingness of leftists to promote educational freedom and choice for parents. No child should be relegated to a failed school system, I should know, having grown up in the inner city of Atlanta. My philosophical mentor, Booker T. Washington had a three-point plan: education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance. Talk about a winning message! That was the cornerstone of his Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, now Tuskegee University in Alabama.

Join with us, and share our message. Every Monday I will put out the Chairman’s Monday Message to focus us. We need to speak in one accord and be better informed, educated, and activated on the issues we face. The DCRP theme is “Fight Local . . . Win National.” It is time we got focused on winning here locally at the county and municipal levels. We must build a successful farm team that can go forward to the state and national levels, and that includes judicial races. We can ill afford the delusion of activist judges who do not follow or abide by the rule of law.

I have committed my life to ensuring that I will not leave behind for my children and grandchildren anything less than what was imparted to me. If we love our subsequent generations, we must all commit to the same. Join us, and let’s build up our Dallas County Republican Party before we give our resources to politicians from other areas of the country. America must have Texas, and Texas must be a strong constitutional conservative state.

Steadfast and Loyal.

“Fight Local . . . Win National”

Chairman West's #MondayMessage

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