Introducing the Legislative Priorities Committee
The newly formed Dallas County GOP Legislative Priority Committee has been charged with the responsibility to meticulously track how our Dallas County Republican legislators are voting in relation to the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) platform, particularly on the top eight legislative priorities that we, as a party, have committed to advancing. Every week, we will evaluate and report on the actions of our local lawmakers in the Texas House and Senate to ensure that their votes align with the RPT platform’s core principles and reflect our constituents’ values and interests.
This week, we are focusing on a critical issue that has garnered significant attention across the state—the priority to ban Democrat chairs. This issue is not just a matter of policy but of principle. Grassroots conservatives have been steadfast in their call for reform and have demanded that Republican leaders take bold action to prevent Democrats from holding leadership positions in the Texas House. However, despite strong support for this initiative from Republicans across the state, the outcome of the Speaker of the House race leaves much to be desired.
Despite the efforts of many dedicated patriots and the clear mandate to uphold the RPT platform, Rep. Dustin Burrows won the Speaker’s race. What is deeply concerning, however, is that Burrows secured his victory primarily through the support of the Democrat members. Even more troubling is that he has made no commitment to end the deeply problematic practice of allowing Democrats to hold committee chair positions. This is in direct contrast to the stance of his opponent, Rep. David Cook, who made a firm pledge to end the practice of appointing Democrats to key leadership positions in the legislature.
Our Dallas County Republican House Representatives, Angie Chen Button and Morgan Meyer, voted for Rep. Dustin Burrows in this critical race for Speaker. Their decision to support Burrows, despite his refusal to prioritize the ban on Democrat chairs, is not just disappointing, but a direct failure to stand up for the values of our party and the will of the people they are supposed to represent. In doing so, they have undermined one of the key priorities of the RPT platform and have failed to deliver on their promises to voters in Dallas County, who expect these Reps to fight for meaningful reforms.
Both Angie Chen Button and Morgan Meyer earn an “F” grade for this week’s evaluation because of their actions. Their votes for Burrows represent a clear disregard for the RPT’s commitment to banning Democrat chairs and indicate a failure to prioritize the conservative values and priorities that are so important to our district and our state.
We must urgently hold our elected officials accountable. The Republican Party of Texas stands firmly against the practice of empowering Democrats to lead Republican-controlled committees, and we expect our representatives to align with this position. Angie Chen Button’s and Morgan Meyer’s votes on this matter show a fundamental disconnect with the party’s platform. The Dallas GOP Legislative Priority Committee will continue to monitor their actions closely moving forward.
Please send inquiries about the Dallas GOP Legislative Priority Committee to Liz Biesel and Beth Biesel.
View all Legislative Priority posts here.