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Repeating the 2020 Election

“Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” — Political Philosopher, George Santayana

Greetings, everyone! There are many variations of this quote, but regardless of the changing verbiage, the lesson is everlasting. We study history to learn and analyze trends so that we do not repeat the bad, and replicate the good. Fundamentals do not change, especially in tactics, but also in the realm of politics.

We have consistently heard the refrain that the 2020 election was stolen. The onus then becomes for the person asserting such to provide the empirical evidence. I have always shied away from saying such, preferring to say that there were unconstitutional actions in the 2020 presidential election cycle that led to questionable outcomes, or at least the propensity for the outcomes to be questionable.

Case in point, the last time I checked, the only body politic that can change, amend, law is the Legislative branch. And no emergency, truthfully, suspends the rule of law. However, in the 2020 election cycle, we witnessed governors, elections office bureaucrats, and judges change election law, not legislatures. Judges decided to extend the reception of election results, votes, and ballots, past election day. The Secretary of State who enters into a consent agreement with someone to preclude having signature verification on mail-in ballots, after the US Supreme Court ruled that signature verification was constitutional in South Carolina, a neighboring state. Even here in Texas, the Governor unilaterally decided to extend early voting from two weeks to three, citing his emergency powers. Well, the Texas constitution clearly states that the Governor’s unilateral emergency powers end at 30 days, afterwards he must go to the State legislature.

There were the types of things that happened in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona where the State legislatures were controlled by Republicans. This could have all been rectified by following the rule of law. Oh, by the way, Eric Holder’s little scheme of unsolicited mail-in ballots, completely different from absentee ballots/voting, should have been rejected by every state led by Republican State legislatures and governors.

That is the lesson to be learned in so-called red states: safeguard and fortify election law.

However, the lessons to be learned from 2020 are not being applied, especially when we have seen the Biden-Harris administration commit the most egregious violation of our Constitution, open borders. Once this was realized by responsible rule of law states, the walls fortifying our electoral processes should have been strengthened. 

Instead, here, in the State of Texas, our Secretary of State, an appointee of the Governor, has released an advisory allowing individuals holding a Limited Term ID — which is only issued to non-citizens — the ability to vote. A limited-term ID looks very similar to a Texas driver’s license, and why would we allow people here illegally to attain the privilege to be able to drive? I understand if you are a legal immigrant with a green card. But, how does an election worker or judge discern the difference? Thankfully, additional guidance was provided on the issue, amending it to say voters presenting non-citizen driver’s licenses must also provide proof of citizenship before casting a ballot.

I recently wrote a piece that articulates that in Texas, homeless individuals, oops, “unhoused populations,” can be registered to vote and use some very questionable locations as a residence.

We laid out the problem with the Reasonable Impediment Declaration, which, if requested, cannot be challenged, so you don’t have to provide a picture form of ID. Currently, the State of Texas is asking the federal government for a verification list of those here in the Lone Star State illegally, yet who may be listed on our voter eligibility rolls.

Then there is the issue which we shared with you: the failed validation tests on our voting tabulation devices, central accumulator, and ballot scanners, DS200s. Last week, inspectors from the Texas SOS and AG offices were dispatched to the Dallas County Elections Department (DCED) to re-conduct the validation, known as the Logic and Accuracy and Hash tests. We had observers there again, and the systems initially failed, and it took a full 13 hours to rectify the situation, but as of yet, we do not know exactly what the original isolated issues were and could if they could be overridden?

Texas can ill afford to establish gaps in its election systems, processes, and procedures that could facilitate fraudulent election activities. Yes, we did correct the unsolicited mail-in ballot issue, but there are other doors open.

We try to keep you alerted and apprised of these issues, through this Monday message. The onus is upon you, the voter, the citizen, what will you do with this information? We pray that you will be activated to make the calls to the Texas SOS, your State Representatives and Senators, the AG office, and even the Governor’s office. Texas can ill afford to allow the progressive socialist left gaps by which we can be exploited. Throw into the equation the decision by the Republican led Texas Criminal Courts of Appeals to remove the authority of the Texas AG to prosecute voter fraud cases, and give it to County DAs. Does anyone think that Dallas County DA John Creuzot will prosecute these issues?

Sadly, if we see another round of questionable election actions we will only have ourselves to blame for making it possible. We will have not adhered to Santayana’s wise counsel and learned from history to ensure we do not repeat the bad aspects.

Remain vigilant and thank you for responding to the call!

Steadfast and Loyal.

Chairman West's #MondayMessage

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