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Photo of Chairman West with DCRP logo and the words "Chairman's Monday Message."

After the RNC Convention: Here’s What We Must Do Now

Greetings, everyone!

Now that the RNC convention is over, many are asking, “What do we do now?”

For those of you who are political movie buffs, you will immediately recognize the relevance of this question. If you do not, well, here it is. This was the last line from the 1972 movie “The Candidate” starring Robert Redford as US senatorial candidate Bill McKay. These were his final words, at the end of the movie, when he had won the Senate election, and it is applicable to the Republican Party after our very successful RNC convention. I must admit, it was truly a great pleasure to finally see the GOP have message discipline.

First, it is imperative that we grow a strong volunteer base that will hit the pavement and reinforce the messages of making America wealthy, safe, strong, and great again. We have to be well informed and articulate in presenting that message to our neighbors. We have to commit to a strong Get Out the Vote (GOTV) plan. It is here where the left normally beats us, but this time, momentum and the wind is fully at our backs. We cannot be complacent and listen to polls. We must always have the mentality that it is the fourth quarter and we are down by ten points but in possession of the ball and driving down the field.

Turnout is a must, and two of the groups who have consistently lacked in their voting turnout are Christians and hunters. The body of Christ needs to push aside the insidious attacks from the leftists of “Christian Nationalism.” Need I remind everyone of John Locke’s Natural Rights theory, as quoted by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, “the Laws of nature and nature’s God?” Our unalienable rights are endowed to us, not by government, but by the Creator.

As to hunters, I do not want to hear the excuse that it was deer, duck, pheasant, or any other season. It is the season for you to cast your vote and protect the rights and freedoms of your children and grandchildren. Do not have me sic Ted Nugent on you, as this is one of his big sticking points.

Now is the time to contact our DCRP office and sign up to be an election judge, poll watcher, poll worker. If you do not want nefarious things happening at voting locations, well, be there to report it. I am especially challenging my veteran brothers and sisters, who have taken an oath to this Constitutional Republic, to step up! Let’s be involved and engaged.

Coming out of this RNC convention, everyone knows who is running for President and Vice President on the Republican side. However, we have to be aware of all who are running on our ballot. That means we have to know our down-ballot candidates. We will be having a Dallas County candidate open house at the DCRP headquarters on Monday 29 July from 5-7pm, 6-7pm we plan to livestream it. We will have another open house for our judicial candidates, so stay tuned. Our motto at the DCRP is “Fight Local, Win National,” as it is time in Dallas County we stop losing local elections to the progressive socialist left, and the difference is clearer than ever.

Lastly, financial support is vital for us to enable and support our candidates. Yes, we will be getting Trump-Vance signs, so come by when we do, but also become a small dollar, or major donor. This will enable us to support GOTV efforts and run what is called independent expenditures (IEs) to help our Dallas County slate of candidates. And, do not forget our Reagan Rawhide Roundup event on Thursday, September 12th at Gilley’s with John Rich. Get your tickets now.

I want to emphasize something that is very important. This is not so much about Republicans and Democrats. It is truly about two very different and incompatible philosophies of governance. If you believe that the government exists to protect your life, liberty, and property (pursuit of happiness), the choice is easy. If you believe the opposite, which is what we have been experiencing these past 3.5 years, you are missing out on the blessings of this great nation. Yes, America is a sovereign nation with borders and a national character to protect.

In closing, perhaps there is another question we should ponder: what do they do now?

Stop wondering who the Democrats will run top of their ticket, it doesn’t matter. Their policies and philosophy will not change. In California, Governor Newsom just signed into law that children, your children, do not have to tell you about their gender preference. The left is not going to “tamp down the temperature” with their vicious rhetoric, it is all that they have. It is the nature of progressivism, socialism, statism, and Marxism to denigrate, demonize, and disparage the political opposition. Why do I say this? Because it was just seven years ago, in 2017, when a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter drove from Illinois to Virginia to open fire on the Republican congressional baseball team. They said it was time to “tamp down on the rhetoric” then, too.

Stay focused on the issues, not who they pick. They would have kept Joe Biden and hidden his mental impairment if they thought they could have and still won. 

What do we do now? Get involved and remember the sage words of Plato, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

Steadfast and Loyal.

Chairman West's #MondayMessage

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