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Photo of Chairman West with DCRP logo and the words "Chairman's Monday Message."

“Fight Local, Win National”

Good Monday morning, everyone! I pray that you enjoyed a wonderful and Happy 248th American Independence Day. I had the distinct pleasure of watching our youngest grandson, Levi Allen, 8 months old, enjoy his first fireworks show in Rowlett.

We must all dedicate ourselves to preserving liberty and freedom, in this time, for our children and grandchildren, and subsequent generations; that is our legacy.

The legacy of the Dallas County Republican Party ties directly into that goal as well. We have developed a new theme and brand for the DCRP: “Fight Local, Win National.” Perhaps I should explain why we have this as our guiding philosophy. So many people are tuned into national-level elections. They can easily tell you who is running for President. Most know their US senators and Congressional representatives, and can probably articulate who their governor is. However, when it comes to state-level representation, only the politically savvy are dialed in. It is at this local level that the rate of participation drops immensely. One of my long standing maxims has been that the most important election in these United States of America is for our school boards, and now we know why.

I would challenge y’all to go back and pull up the 2020 presidential election results map broken down by county. It is rather revealing. When assessed by county, America is clearly a constitutionally conservative nation, you can call it red. But upon close examination you will observe that the blue is concentrated — even in red states — in the major urban centers. Sadly, the Republicans have dismissed fighting locally in these major population centers, and the result can be dire at the national level. It is in these major population centers which have been ceded over to the Democrat Party, where you find the greatest amount of policy failures: crime, criminality, human and sex trafficking, lack of educational opportunity, destruction of the traditional nuclear family, and food deserts.

We can no longer just give up and surrender these areas to the progressive socialist left, and that means here in Dallas County, which is one of the largest county metroplexes in the nation. The aforementioned policy failures are quite evident here in Dallas County. Dallas itself is among the top cities in the country for sex trafficking, and that is why I do not support a casino here. The rate of crime, violent crime, is increasing, including homicide. I would have never thought that I would have to ask for assistance to get shaving razors at a drugstore, but thanks to a DA who says crimes under $750 will not be prosecuted, this is the result.

When people learn that there is only one elected Republican countywide in Dallas County, Texas, they are stunned. Added to this is the fact that going into this election cycle, key races such as Dallas County Sheriff, Tax Assessor have been decided in the Democratic Party primary. Yes, there were no Republicans put forth to run for these positions. There is a State Senate seat that will go unchallenged in this 2024 election cycle. Unbelievably so, there are some who are in a state of delusion and believe that is a sign of success?

We know that George Soros has already dumped $200,000 into the coffers of the Dallas County Democrat Party. Who is willing to do the same for the Dallas County Republican Party? Dallas is one of the major national fundraising hubs. I should know because I had events here as a Congressman over a decade ago. It is quite perplexing to me that prominent and successful Dallasites would open up their wallets and checkbooks to candidates from all over the nation, while their own backyard is under the control of people who cannot even run a juvenile detention center properly. Let’s analyze it this way: if you knew someone from out of town, or out of state, and they asked you to pay for their home renovations while your home is crumbling and ransacked, would you?

We just celebrated the Independence of our great country. But recall that 56 men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Are there 56 men and women in Dallas County of prominence willing to do the same, or do we have a political oligarchy that seeks only to support those who carry forth their bidding? Who are part of their “circle?”

Maybe I am just a dumb ol’ soldier, but the 249 year history of the United States Army is replete with leaders who did not quit, who prevailed regardless of the odds, circumstances. I seem to recall a story of courage and bravery against immense odds that was witnessed for 13 glorious days, February 23 – March 6, 1836, at a place called The Alamo. Perhaps more people should read Col. Travis’ letter dated February 24, 1836, closed with the words, “Victory or Death.”

If you do not know who the Republican candidates running for office in Dallas County are, well, we will make it easy for you. On July 29 from 5-7pm CT we will host a candidate open house at the Dallas County GOP headquarters. If you are out of town, we hope to livestream this open house to give you a chance to see and hear these candidates from 6-7pm CT. I keep hearing about this group of people called the “donor class.” I challenge y’all to participate, or are you willing to have George Soros come into your backyard, and steal away Texas?

“Fight Local, Win National” is a call to action. It is a call to all, just as Travis said in his letter. Winners go on offense, they don’t run away, hide, or play defense. There has never been a better time to put the progressive socialist left on defense. The left holds a belief that they can flip Texas, and their strategy has proven it possible in other states that were once Republican, but the Democrats took over the major population cities and counties. Austin (Travis), Houston (Harris), El Paso (El Paso), San Antonio (Bexar), Dallas (Dallas) are where we must begin to win back the State of Texas, and protect the United States. It is time we all became US Paratroopers and jumped in behind enemy lines and to cause disruption and confusion amongst the left, as we hit the streets and expose their lies, deceit, incompetence, and failure.

I will be your Jumpmaster. In combat, the Jumpmaster turns back and issues the final jump command upon exiting the aircraft: “Follow Me.”

Steadfast and Loyal.

Chairman West's #MondayMessage

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