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Photo of Chairman West with DCRP logo and the words "Chairman's Monday Message."

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Greetings,ย everyone! Happy Veterans Day to all the Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, Marines, Coasties, and Space Guardians. These men and women who wear the uniform of our great nation and are willing to make the last full measure of devotionย are what truly “Make America Great.” In this season, I hope you will pledge to ensure no veteran is alone on Thanksgiving Day. We must recommit the resolve of this Republic to making sure we do not have homeless and jobless veterans, and to reducing the veteran suicide rate. It is unconscionable that we give free benefits to illegals . . . which is about to stop.

I suppose y’all are still riding high after the results of last week’s election. One person who is not feeling too great is the Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, who resigned last week. The progressive socialist leftists got taken behind the woodshed in Texas last week. The incessant rantings about turning Texas blue crashed, and severely burned. Donald Trump won Texas by almost 15 percent, up from 6 percent in 2020. As well, a complete sweep of the Rio Grande Valley was very telling — Starr, Zapata, Cameron, and Hidalgo counties. But then again, those majorityย Hispanic areas are just packed full of racists and sexists according to the deranged and delusional leftists.

Here in Dallas County, there were great strides made in the reduction of the voting differential from 2020. We went from a 291,076 voter differential in favor of the Democrats in 2020 to 181,576. Understand that in Texas, one does not register as a Republican or Democrat, so we can only assessย what happens in elections. Most importantly, we won back the 5th Court of Appeals with an 8-0 sweep. If you will recall, we lost that court back in 2018 due to the Robert Francis O’Rourke phenomenon.

I truly want to reemphasize the incredible work of our volunteer election judges, clerks, poll watchers and poll workers. The intense level of scrutiny and reporting that was conducted precluded any successful nefarious actions from taking root. And, how impressive that two of the three Dallas HERO amendments passed! This has established a precedent for other major urban population centers where the failures of corrupt and arrogant leftist policies are evident. Special Hat Tip to Pete Marocco, and Happy 249th US Marine Corps Birthday Pete.

The tenacity shown by all y’all really put the Dallas County Democrats on their heels. However, just because this election is over doesn’t mean that intensity will wane.

Ya know, it takes five miles to turn an aircraft carrier into the wind in preparation for aircraft launching off the deck. We have begun that motion here in Dallas County, and we will soon be launching our jets for a brighter future for Dallas County. Yes, we are indeed on our way to restoring Dallas County back into the “Red” column.

Now, we need to gather and share our lessons learned in order to make us even more effective as an organization. This will bode well going into the 2025 municipal level elections. Also, it is imperative that we collect as much anecdotal evidence that will enable us to make a positive difference in the coming 89th Texas Legislative session. We talk about election integrity but what we need to discuss is Texas Election Code compliance. We can no longer afford to have 254 different interpretations of Texas election law. There has to be some semblance of standardization and the inane waivers of Texas election law from the Texas SOS office must end.

Lastly, Republicans have the ball, here in Texas and nationally. We can ill afford to jack this up. That means we must keep the promises made to the people, and govern as constitutional conservatives and honor the rule of law. We need not give a damn about the maniacal rhetoric, or crazed butchering of hair, by the progressive socialists. We cannot let up off of the gas one bit. We won a very, very important battle, but the opposition is not vanquished . . . the greater ideological war continues.

Steadfast and Loyal.

Chairman West's #MondayMessage

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