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Photo of Chairman West with DCRP logo and the words "Chairman's Monday Message."

Stepping Up

Greetings, everyone!

First of all, I want to thank so many of you for stepping up. Our DCRP office is consistently filled with individuals seeking out opportunities to volunteer in the office and with campaigns. We are filling up the roster for election judges, poll workers, and poll watchers. More and more are asking what they can do, how they can get involved? I humbly ask that you ask your friends and neighbors if they are registered to vote.

There are two very interesting demographics, who for some strange reason, decide not to engage in electoral politics: Christians and hunters. I do not think we want to see our Judeo-Christian faith heritage continue to be under assault, to the point that a Big Mac and chicken nuggets were deemed more essential than God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as we watched the government demand the shutting down of churches. Hunters must engage or watch our Second Amendment rights be ripped to shreds, along with everything else that does not conform to the leftist ideological agenda.

I want to thank those who have come out to the two candidate open houses we have hosted at our DCRP office. If you were not able to attend, please see the videos. We must give our candidates as much exposure as possible. Please join us on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at the Communion Neighborhood Cooperative in Richardson, 6pm, for a candidate town hall moderated by CBS11 political reporter Jack Fink.

In these closing days of the 2024 election cycle, the DCRP is stepping up by seeking out more engagement opportunities with communities across Dallas County. We have already had several meetings with key leaders in the Korean and Vietnamese community, including an interview on Saigon TV. This week we will have an opportunity to meet with the Hindu American Indian community. It is imperative that we stress our common, shared, values of faith, family, freedom, individual liberty, quality education, safety and security, business entrepreneurship, and service to our country.

Speaking of service to our country, I find it disgusting and appalling, cowardly, the actions of Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, the Democrat Party nominee for Vice President. I wrote a piece about this last week, you can read it here, and share it.

See, stepping up is not about one’s personal agenda or self interest. It is about dedicating yourself to something greater than yourself for the future and legacy of the generations hereafter. Recently CBS-11 interviewed me for a news segment on climate change. I am not about to be an alarmist about the weather when we have lost 250,000 Americans, mainly 18-45 years of age, to fentanyl poisoning, a deadly chemical war being waged against America by China and the transnational narco-criminal terrorists, the cartels. I will not step down and surrender my liberty to decide what car I can drive, appliances that I may have, when we have an intentional and purposeful invasion happening in my country. As a matter of fact, there is a billboard in Garland, where I live, on the westbound side of I-635. It has the pictures of several local kids, dead from fentanyl poisoning, not climate change.

Stepping up means that we all become better informed, educated on the issues so that we can be better activated to take a stand on this ideological battlefield. Current Vice President Kamala Harris wants us to believe that she has had nothing to do with the travails of the American people. She wants us to believe that corporations — not the policies she and Joe Biden have unleashed on We the People — have caused this massive increase in everyday necessities. She wants to distance herself from debacles and failures like the border and Afghanistan, where last week we saw the Taliban, an Islamic terrorist organization, parade with US military equipment, including Blackhawk helicopters left behind as part of a cowardly withdrawal.

Those of us who have seen and had enough of the deception, delusion, and these constant failures that result in the loss of our liberty, freedom, and security have to step it up. Our children and grandchildren need us. We cannot afford another four years, heck, not another year, of our children being indoctrinated, miseducated, and mutilated, all for what purpose?

We all have a part to play, but this is not the time to sit on the sidelines. Perhaps Thomas Paine said it best:

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but . . . tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered . . . the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph.”

Or perhaps you prefer the words from US Third Army General George Patton to his troops:

“Men there will be the day when your children ask you what did you do in the great World War II. At least you will not have to tell them that you were shoveling s!@t in Louisiana.”

My dad, and many others of that Greatest Generation stepped up. Now is our time, especially those of us who are the children of that Greatest Generation!

In closing, I want to remind you of our Reagan Rawhide Roundup concert event with American patriot and country music star, John Rich on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at Gilley’s. Spread the word, and get your tickets. It is imperative that we come together to prepare ourselves for this very vital and grueling election season, and have some fun while we are at it!

Step up and support this DCRP event so that we can all step up and rally to the flag in order to protect and preserve the greatest state in the greatest nation that the world has ever known.

Steadfast and Loyal.

Chairman West's #MondayMessage

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