LIVE Blog Post

Nov 05 07:40 PM

We Will Start Live Blogging From the DCRP Command Center

We will start our live blogging on Election Day at about 1 pm from the DCRP "Command Center" at the DCRP Headquarters.

From the Command Center, we will be monitoring voting operations and other political activities happening around Dallas County.

We will start our live blogging on Election Day at about 1 pm from the DCRP "Command Center" at the DCRP Headquarters.

From the Command Center, we will be monitoring voting operations and other political activities happening around Dallas County.

I initially put "Command Center" in quotation marks so as not to convey the incorrect image. The term "Command Center" implies something like NASA's Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR-2) of the Apollo era. I wish. Actually, it is a bunch of cheap fold tables from Amazon and an odd assortment of chairs. Plus, a bunch of heavily-used cell phones.

However, both were/are staffed by dedicated people collecting and assessing information. In addition to our DCRP crew, we will also be hosting the good folks from the Republican Party of Texas. Yes, the RPT will be conducting their primary monitoring all of Texas from our "Command Center." We're honored!